Thursday, February 8, 2007


Check it out. A new blogger. Just what you've been pining for.

The mission statement:

I have a feeling that you know how to surf the web much better than I do so I won't be posting any links to articles or video clips (the truth is I don't know how to do any of that). What I'll be attempting to do is chronicle the pursuit. The pursuit to get my novel published. The pursuit to get a play produced. The pursuit to sell a screenplay. And the pursuit to do comedy in New York. Since the first three pursuits are a bit of a snoozefest (who wants to read about throbbing paper cuts at Kinkos) I'll be focusing primarily on my adventures in comedy clubs. If I bomb, I will tell you. If I kill, I will be modest. If the crowd follows me into the streets, hurling profanity and beer bottles...I'll tell you about it but lets hope that doesn't happen.

The blog will also be a way to keep in touch with all my L.A. friends, (I've done a miserable job of that so far) Michigan friends (I'm not sure they know how to use a computer) and meet new people (I'm talking to you Caroline Hirsch of the world famous Caroline's Comedy Club located on Broadway between 49th and 50th).

I might throw in some some pop culture stuff (I can't wait for the Kim Kardashian sex tape) note to myself: do not tell your wife about this blog. And just some general getting accustomed to New York stuff.

Who knows what I'll write. This could be my last post. Oh my god, Maria (this lady I work with) just said Anna Nicole Smith is dead. Gotta go.

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