Thursday, February 15, 2007


My first open mic night went ok. It was actually an open mic evening (it started at 5:00). It was so cold I couldn't stop my hand from shaking Starbucks all over me. I had to hideout in the lobby of an apartment building until the club opened.

The audience was basically the comics (there were like 12 of us), this dude with big teeth, and some students filming a documentary.

I went on third. The film crew was still setting up so I don't think they caught any of the genius on-stage. The dude with the big teeth and this stocky comic seemed to be giggling at my stuff, but the rest of the audience/other comics, weren't all that responsive. They clapped along to my big finish (this whole bit on Justin Timberlake that involves singing) but I think I'd rather have laughing then clapping.

I came off the stage happy to have gotten through the set without vomiting. I'll have plenty of time to hone, this was just about survival.

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