Friday, February 9, 2007


Brimming with excitement about my new blog (is there anything nerdier) I walked into my first office meeting (I'm on the 17th floor of Nelson Tower, right in the heart of the garment district). Now up to this point my job has been...let's just say...agreeable. I've been doing payroll, and it's been exciting, thought provoking (my only issue has been that my tendinitus acts up when I work the ten-key -- my right hand was mauled by a house cat -- maybe this blog should be devoted to that) but I've had my share of down time, and a blog was born.

Then I walked into the meeting. I always have a bad feeling going into meetings and then my name isn't mentioned once. So this time I had little to no bad feelings and my boss turns to me at the top of meeting and says, "We need Matt to learn everybody's job."

Goodbye all...your support thus far has been, well nonexistent, I haven't recieved one comment, not ever from my wife. I shall now enter a work coma. Pray for my right hand.

1 comment:

Kyle said...

Come on, Brownie! Get Back In The Race!